Farmingdale administrative division was recently named one among the most effective Communities for Music Education in 2016 by the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation. this can be the third consecutive year that the district has been recognized with this honor.
“I am extraordinarily happy with our district for receiving this honor for the third consecutive year. The combined efforts of our lecturers have showcased the importance of music education in our colleges and that we ar honored to be recognized,” aforesaid Farmingdale administrative division Superintendent, John physicist.
This year quite two,000 districts applied for this recognition and simply 476 were awarded this designation. alternatives were created primarily based off of course of study, program, participation, performance teams and adjudications.
“Farmingdale has continually pushed to confirm that we will offer arts programs additionally as educational. it's rewardful to check our efforts recognized on a national level as a vicinity that supports the fine arts” aforesaid Farmingdale highschool Principal, Glen A. Zakian.
The National Association of Music Merchants Foundation is a company that advances participation in music creating through research, philanthropic giving and public service programs.
The district are going to be receiving banners and posters to be adorned up in colleges recognizing them collectively of the most effective Communities for Music Education in 2016.
Saturday, 23 April 2016
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» Farmingdale School District Named One of the Best Communities for Music Education 2016
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